.screen: usually displays a V/t graph, with voltage V on the vertical axis and time t on the horizontal axis. The scales of both axes can be changed to display a huge variety of signals.
.on/off switch: pushed in to switch the oscilloscope on. The green LED illuminates.
.X-Y control: normally in the OUT position.
The X-Y control is used when you want to display component characteristic curves, or Lissajous figures.
.TV-separation: Oscilloscopes are often used to investigate waveforms inside television systems. This control allows the display to be synchronised with the televsion system so that the signals from different points can be compared.
.TIME / DIV: Allows the horizontal scale of the V/t graph to be changed.
.trigger controls: This group of controls allows the oscilloscope display to be synchronised with the signal you want to investigate.
.X-POS: Allows the whole V/t graph to be moved from side to side on the oscilloscope screen.
.X-MAG: In the IN position, the horizontal scale of the V/t graph is increased by 10 times. For example, if TIME/DIV is set for 1 ms per division and X-MAG is pushed IN, the scale is changed to 0.1 ms per division.
.CAL outputs: The top terminal gives a 0.2 V peak to peak square wave, while the lower terminal gives a 2 V peak to peak square wave, both at 50 Hz.
.component tester: The output socket provides a changing voltage which allows component characteristic curves to be displayed on the oscilloscope screen.
.Y-POS I and Y-POS II: These controls allow the corresponding trace to be moved up or down, changing the position representing 0 V on the oscilloscope screen.
.invert: When the INVERT button is pressed IN, the corresponding signal is turned upside down, or inverted, on the oscilloscope screen.
.CH I and CH II inputs: Signals are connected to the BNC input sockets using BNC plugs.
.VOLTS / DIV: Adjust the vertical scale of the V/t graph. The vertical scales for CH I and CH II can be adjusted independently.
.DC/AC/GND slide switches:
In the DC position, the signal input is connected directly to the Y-amplifier of the corresponding channel, CH I or CH II.
In the AC position, a capacitor is connected into the signal pathway so that DC voltages are blocked and only changing AC signals are displayed.
In the GND position, the input of the Y-amplfier is connected to 0 V. This allows you to check the position of 0 V on the oscilloscope screen.
The DC position of these switches is correct for most signals.
.trace selection switches: The settings of these switches control which traces appear on the oscilloscope screen.